Saturday, July 9, 2011


It's been a long time since I check out my friendster blog. This happens because of my gaming activity on facebook, and other my real life activity.

And.... it's gone!

Years of work is gone.
Not that anyone read it. But it's my personal history they're deleting!

So yesterday, out of anger and devastation, I deactivate my friendster account.
Then I decided to deactivate my facebook account too.
(See, I'm quite a misanthropic, I don't have that many friends anyway, so I decided that I don't need those social networking site anymore, I only used them to play games, and I was crappy at it as well)

Aside from my misanthropic tendency, I'm also an egocentric and narcissistic, so I need some place to vent (well not my anger, but also my thoughts, my creative side, my melancholic side, that I don't really want my friends on my real life to see, there are exceptions of course, but the number is negligible).

I researched between blogger and wordpress, and decided, since I already have a gmail account and comment on someone's blog some weeks ago, to blog here.

The downside is that I can not name this: Surreal Thoughts (like my friendster blog name was), it's already taken, and believe me my friends don't like them - it's too surreal for them because I don't go with the mainstream. Surreal Thoughts actually is a proper name for this blog.

Well, see I'm a crappy writer too, so I am unstructured, and my way of thinking is not very easy to follow.
I writes in English, but my native tongue is Indonesian, (I have a TOEFL score of 607, but I got it because of I read a lot, and watched too many Hollywood movies and not because I learn it properly).

Let's jump to another topic on this one first post (to show you I'm a crappy writer, and still learning), I used to write about philosophy, psychology, music, poetry, education, my life, sex, love. In the next few posts, I will re-post my personal archives, a very small portion of my previous "Surreal Thoughts", most of them gone, but I have to dig them up deep.

And posts around my personal life: I'm finishing my thesis on Groundwater Engineering, let's see how I cope with it, a marriage - big deal - right - with someone who's very close to me, I like her a lot, but I don't love her - this year, doing my work as a groundwater consultant, as a geologist and as a lecturer.

Juggling through my ordinary days like everybody else - that's super-ordinary ordinary.
Well, ordinary days can sound extraordinary in a good writer's hand, but then again - I'm a crappy one, and perhaps I never will be a good writer. There goes my first post, now it's time to try and customize things up.

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