Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dari thesis menuju paper....

Akhirnya β sidang thesis hari Jumat, 16 September 2011 yang lalu.
Masih ada sedikit perbaikan di sana-sini, tapi jelas 'gak sampe rombak total.
Sebetulnya thesis ini tentang pengembangan metode yang cukup keren menurut pendapat β, jadi seharusnya layak untuk dimasukkan ke jurnal internasional. Tapi tampaknya kedua pembimbing β tidak antusias dalam mendorong β ke arah sana. Pembimbing pertama β tampaknya tidak mengerti thesis β, tapi beliau yang sudah professor, sedangkan pembimbing kedua β lebih mengerti tetapi tidak berani melangkahi pembimbing pertama.
Jadi sekarang usaha sendiri dulu aja. Pertama kali menulis paper, sendiri, dan targetnya langsung jurnal internasional.

I had my thesis exam on Friday, 16 September 2011.
Some revision is required, but not total remake.
The thesis discusses a development of a very cool method in my opinion, so I do think it's quite appropriate for international publication. But my supervisors doesn't seemed to be intrigued, and do not encourage me at all. My main supervisor doesn't seem to understand the topic, but he is the professor ones, while my second supervisor does understand but would not cross my first advisor.
So, I'm on my own now. This is my first time writing a paper, alone, and the target is straight to international journal.


A man without a religion is generally called an atheist. This is not necessarily so, some people do believe in the existence of God, but do not believe in religion. Some people can be irreligious, but still believes in the existence of God.

Religion is merely a way, a mean to establish a relationship between human and The Creator. The Creator created so many different personalities. Therefore the relationship between human and The Creator should be unique and very personal. The relationship with The Creator should results from a personal search that would last a whole life time.

It is not right to accept the beliefs of a religion just because others says so. Above all, it is wrong to accept imported beliefs that cannot assimilate with the original culture of the society.

The history shows that religion creates ridiculous groupings of people and more problems in humanity. Religion creates a barrier between people with different beliefs and frequently used as justification for ill conducts and irrational actions.

The Creator gave human a brain to think and a heart to consider.
Therefore religion is failing and religion control on humanity should end.
We should ask ourselves, would it be fair to punish others just because they are different?
Is it true that we cannot survive without religion?

For those who feels the same, and still believes that The Creator exists, deism is one of the options available to you. We create our religious rules by ourselves responsibly, and our work is our ritual.